01:06:14 MJB: What is a 'wheel meeting?' 01:10:34 MJB: why is it called BOCK? 01:13:41 Grant T.: Replying to "why is it called BOC..." Amber Bock beer. 01:22:59 Ron BC: dig +short soa sluug.org bock.sluug.org. domains.sluug.org. 2024040805 12600000 60 1209600 100 01:24:31 stan reichardt: Somehow the "Meeting Summary" feature has shut off. Don't know if we really need that. 01:25:04 Ron BC: It was a PITA if one were to ask me 01:25:20 Gary Meyer: Yes . One of SLUUG's other systems is called Amber. 01:29:41 Gary Meyer: As to "why these names...Amber & Bock...we were sitting around a table building the 1st condigs and ...when I (at the whilre board) asked..."What do we want to call these?" Bo obe answered. Just trying to move along the mtng, I noted that people were brinking Amber Bocks... so, I wroye that on the whilre board saying that when someone had a better idea... 01:29:52 Grant T.: Reacted to "Yes . One of SLUU..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 01:33:05 MJB in JAX FLA: I get it. Naming things in Linux is interesting and fun. 01:33:35 Grant T.: Replying to "I get it. Naming thi..." Naming things is hard period. πŸ˜‰ 01:34:14 Gary Meyer: That was over 20 yrs ago! Grandfathered in now. 01:38:46 MJB in JAX FLA: Understanding names of things in Linux is a learning curve for newbie. 01:39:09 Grant T.: Replying to "Understanding names ..." It’s still a learning curve for me and I’ve been doing Linux for 20+ years. 01:40:36 MJB in JAX FLA: Ha Ha that's part of the 'fun' lol 01:40:42 Gary Meyer: MJB asked "What is a 'wheel meeting?' ... I'm presuming that it was something I said... but I do NOT recall. If you can remeber some context... 01:43:50 MJB in JAX FLA: Y'all, mentioned Steering commitee. my JaxLug seems to call that a 'Wheel' meeting they said it's a 'Linux' thing. 01:45:12 Ron BC: Group "wheel" is like admin / sudo on RHEL(?). It's also commonly seen in Python when building modules. 01:45:19 Grant T.: Replying to "Y'all, mentioned Ste..." Steering committee is the minds guiding the wagon down the road. Details and kibitzing, etc. is discussed in stercom to keep weeks off the discuss mailing list. 01:45:50 Grant T.: Replying to "Group "wheel" is lik..." β€œWheel” goes WAY back to BSD. 01:46:27 Ron BC: Is there no "do-release-upgrade" in Debian? In Ubuntu, it'd be done by now. 01:47:11 Lee Lammert: https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/amd64/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html 01:47:43 Ron BC: Ah, thanks Grant. Zoom's being a real bugger today (for me) 01:47:59 Grant T.: Reacted to "Ah, thanks Grant. Z..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 01:49:50 MJB in JAX FLA: Thanks, now I know. 01:50:01 Grant T.: Reacted to "Thanks, now I know." with πŸ™‚ 01:53:41 Ron BC: There's a vastly superior solution to Zoom: Nextcloud "Talk" app. Bonus - one can self-host. 01:53:49 Ron BC: Reacted to "Thanks, now I know." with πŸ™‚ 01:54:10 Grant T.: Replying to "There's a vastly sup..." Please suggest testing it on the DISCUSS mailing list. Let’s explore more there. 01:55:44 Grant T.: `:set background=dark` 02:07:30 Sean Twie03: /tmp/apt-listchanges-tmph585k06p.txt 02:41:13 Ron BC: I like how Zoom loses all previous chat messages from before I left & rejoined (/s). Piece of garbage. 02:41:27 Grant T.: Reacted to "I like how Zoom lose..." with 😁 02:41:50 Ron BC: I'll check August's meeting when the mailing list issue(s) come up. 02:48:37 Gary Meyer: I completely agree! Loss of earlier chat form before logging in is painful/stupid!! 02:49:35 Gary Meyer: Luvkily we normally do cature that and archive it. So Stan usually gets that into the archive in a couple days. 02:51:23 Gary Meyer: HOWEVER...the archive version ONLY has notes to EVERYONE! Any notes to/from a particular user is NOT recored nor archived!!! IE...personal notes are lost. 02:52:15 Grant T.: Reacted to "HOWEVER...the archiv..." with πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ 03:01:10 Gary Meyer: To anyone new to our group or hasn't been here in awhile.....we are curious...what brought you here tonite? Did you see the topic on our calendar? ...our MeetUp page? ...our SLUUG.ORG home page? ...somebody personally invited you? We are curious how you found us or interested you in coming. ??? 03:01:57 Gary Meyer: BTW. We have NO DUES! If yuou show up for 2 of our mtngs, you can vote and are considered a member! 03:06:31 Sean Twie03: Here is the article I was talking about earlier about SUSE LEAP going immutable after this version: https://www.zdnet.com/article/opensuse-leap-15-6-is-your-last-chance-to-use-this-version-before-it-switches-to-immutable/ 03:08:28 Gary Meyer: > https://www.meetup.com/st-louis-rhug/events/301511495/ 03:38:01 Sean Twie03: https://github.com/seantwie03/sluug_stllug_site 03:49:32 MJB in JAX FLA: A friend referred me to the meetup for newlinux on the 25th and I decided to check out tonights regular meeting 03:50:12 Grant T.: Reacted to "A friend referred me..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 03:50:18 Grant T.: Replying to "A friend referred me..." Welcome! 03:50:33 Sean Twie03: Reacted to "A friend referred me..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 03:50:36 Grant T.: Replying to "A friend referred me..." Please feel free to join the mailing list and ask questions. We believe in teaching people to fish. :-)